The Advisory Committee (AC) and the Management Committee (MC) constitute the governance structure of the Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP). They meet back-to-back at least once a year. Members of the AC/MC are representatives of WMO, GWP, the Support Base Partners and the Financial Partners.
According to the Operational Guidelines of the IDMP, the Advisory Committee has the task of making recommendations to the Management Committee about the development and implementation of the programme. In particular, it reviews the activities carried on by the Technical Support Unit (TSU) and assesses its proposals for the following year. In so doing, it provides indications about the latest scientific and technical advances in drought-related issues.
Following the suggestions formulated by the AC, the Management Committee examines the progress of work, monitors the implementation of the programme and decides on the budget plan for the successive financial period.
Below you can find the main recommendations as well as the complete reports from the AC/MC and related meetings.
AC/MC annual meetings 25-26 June 2024, Geneva, Switzerland
The IDMP Annual Advisory and Management Committee meetings were held on 25-26 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. Please refer to the meeting report and presentations

AC/MC annual meetings 18-19 August 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
The IDMP Annual Advisory and Management Committee meetings are adopting a hybrid format, combining both in-person and online participation options. The in-person sessions were scheduled

AC/MC annual meetings 26-27 August 2022, Stockholm, Sweden
The IDMP Annual Advisory and Management Committee meetings were held on 26-27 August 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. The following recommendations were received during the Advisory

AC/MC meetings 2021, 5-7 October (online meetings)
The IDMP Annual Advisory and Management Committee meetings were held virtually on 5-7 October 2021. The following recommendations were received during the Advisory Committee meetings

AC/MC meetings 2020, 25-26 August (online meetings)
Main recommendations: Need to develop more project proposals with partners that also synergize with on-going initiatives; IDMP to better liaise with EU process and other

AC/MC meetings 2019, 24-25 August, Stockholm, Sweden
Ensure that science is at the table when (policy and practice) decisions are made, including developing a more interactive format Articulate the avenues how partners

AC/MC meetings 2018, 25-26 August, Stockholm, Sweden
Main recommendations: Ensure links with partners activities, including Regional Climate Centres and regional drought monitoring systems Continue to liaise and support where possible with UNCCD

AC/MC meetings 2017, 6-7 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: The IDMP Management Committee approved the new initiatives and strategic direction proposed for the year 2017-2019 Increase interaction with Regional Climate Centres, conduct

Expert Group Meeting – Benefits of Action/Cost of Inaction for Drought Preparedness, 16 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: The group recommended to develop the draft literature review prepared for the meeting into an IDMP Working Paper on the subject. It also identified the

AC/MC meetings 2016, 14-15 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: For the HelpDesk, engage already appointed focal points of partners to (a) define support and (b) specify input of organization in Catalogue of

AC/MC meetings 2015, 9-10 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: Finalize the Handbook on Drought Indices, Integrated Drought Management Framework Document, Costs of Inaction and Benefits of Action, and Series of Case Studies;

AC/MC meetings 2014, 9-10 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: Engage with partners to exchange information on drought to further enhance the HelpDesk. Consider the forming of a Technical Review Group/Groups that provide

First AC/MC meetings, 14-15 October 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: The AC will be supporting IDMP regional initiative, which is currently being implemented in Central and Eastern Europe and other activities in West

Informal Consultation, 4 September 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
Main recommendations: Considering the number of initiatives on drought management already in place, IDMP shall seek to add value to existing activities by addressing gaps

GWP/WMO Preparatory Meeting, 6-7 June 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
Main recommendations: Invitation letter shall be developed and sent from heads of WMO (Michel Jarraud) and GWP (Ania Grobicki) to the potential Support Based Partners