Who can benefit from the HelpDesk?

Agrometeorologist at National Weather Service
Scenario: Individual is developing new drought products for weekly agrometeorological bulletin.
Question: Which drought indices are best to determine the impacts of drought on crop yields?

Chief of Staff at Ministry of Environment
Scenario: Recent droughts have had major impacts on the economy. The Prime Minister has requested country to develop a new policy
Question: How does a country start developing a national drought policy?

Staff Member at National Hydrological Service
Scenario: Recent drought has reduced hydropower generation.
Question: Which drought indices are best to determine the impacts of drought on river flows and reservoir levels?

Meteorologist at National Weather Service
Scenario: Individual is developing a map of drought indices.
Question: Can you send the computer source code or software to calculate the Standard Precipitation Index?

Staff at Ministry of Agriculture
Scenario: Minister has requested their country to be better prepared for future droughts.
Question: How should my country start to prepare for future droughts?

Researcher at University
Scenario: Individual is developing a map of drought indices for PhD.
Question: Can you tell me which drought index would be most useful to use in my country?