| Title of the poster | Contact Author |
1 | SPEI, VCI, TCI: A Comparative Study for Drought Monitoring in Morocco | Said El Goumi |
2 | Text as data in drought risk management | Jan Sodoge |
3 | Drought monitoring and impacts assessment in Brazil: The CEMADEN experience | Ana Paula Cunha |
4 | Drought resilience in agriculture areas | Muhammad Tousif Bhatti |
5 | A Review of Groundwater Drought Assessment and Mitigation Practices in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands | Abedulla Elsaidy |
6 | Site-specific suitability of drought indices: a systematic review | Thao Trinh |
7 | Exploring the impact of droughts in the transboundary region along Prut Valley (Romania/Republic of Moldova) | Mihai Ciprian Margarint |
9 | Near-real Time Global Daily Drought Detection and Monitoring Using an Ensemble of Gridded Remotely Sensed and in-situ Precipitation Datasets | Olivier Prat |
10 | Drought Risk Assessment in Sweden | Claudia Canedo Rosso |
11 | The EOTEC DevNet Collaborative Approach to Integrated Drought Monitoring and Response | Martyna Stelmaszczuk-Górska |
12 | Footprints of Drought: Exploring its Environmental Impact through Open Access Big Data | Paula Serrano Acebedo |
13 | OUTLAST – a global drought monitoring and forecasting system to support sector-specific drought management | Tina Trautmann |
14 | Drought Dynamics in the Mediterranean GIAHS: Insights from the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, Morocco | Brahim Meskour |
15 | A new drought monitoring and early-warning system for Switzerland | Fabia Hüsler |
16 | Impact-data-based drought risk quantification | Marthe Wens |
17 | Navigating Drought Challenges: A Resilience Framework for Bundelkhand, India | Ruchir Patidar |
18 | A Comprehensive Analysis of Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques in Studying Climate Hazards-Induced Crop Yield Variation | Salomon obahoundje |
19 | Pathways for Sustainable Intensification of Wheat Production in the Mediterranean Region Under Current and Future Climate Change Scenarios | Davide Tita |
20 | The European Drought Impact Database – Comprehensive Drought Impact Collection Methodology for Europe | Monika Bláhová |
21 | Monitoring of drought in the Netherlands in an online portal | Ruud Bartholomeus |
22 | Monitoring and assessing the characteristics of drought propagation in the Semi-arid River Basin of Peninsular India | Ajay Gupta |
23 | Drought in the Horn of Africa: impacts, adaptation and lessons learned | Ileen Streefkerk |
24 | Operational framework and tools for a proactive drought risk management | Brunella Bonaccorso |
25 | Drought Monitoring Framework for Assessing Drought Impact and Damage at the Government Level in South Korea | Won-Ho Nam |
26 | Towards operational drought impact-based forecasting in Europe: Trade-offs between indicators and impacts | Anastasiya Shyrokaya |
27 | Drought Risk Monitoring and Dynamics in Afar Region Rangeland, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Using Earth observation Data | Aderaw Tsegaye Anitene |
28 | Enhancing drought resilience in conflict settings: lessons from the Syrian drought-migration-conflict nexus | Lina Eklund |
29 | Impact chains of drought risks in Europe: tackling complexity to support science and policy | Davide Cotti |
30 | Development of the Australian Drougth monitor | Christa Pudmenzky |
31 | Building an operational drought framework | Massimiliano Pasqui |