Poster Session

Please find all posters abstracts here. The posters PDFs are available in the table below.


 Title of the posterContact Author
1Drought resilience assessment: insights from a systematic reviewJulia Urquijo Reguera
2Enhancement of drought early warning systems in IGAD RegionTheobald Bizuhoraho
3Water absorbing polymers for improving soil resilience to droughtAbhisekh Saha
4Development of highland quality protein maize (QPM) varieties with drought tolerant abilitiesKagoda Frank
5Recent drought research published in the Special Issue on “Drought, Society and Ecosystems”Anne Van Loon
6A questionnaire-based review on the role of hydrological models in operational drought management: Insights from the NetherlandsMarleen Lam
7The Global Drought AtlasLauro Rossi
8Enhancing Climate Services Through Inclusive Local Knowledge IntegrationSumiran Rastogi
9An evaluation of the drought policy and planning guidelines to improve their alignment with the four priority areas of the SENDAI frameworkIlyas Masih
10Drought policy overview: the case of Central America regionJairo Alberto Paizano Potoy
11Drought vulnerability in forested cold climates – user-validated perspectives from Swedish water-dependent sectors on governance, policies and plansElin Stenfors
12Drought risk reduction measures in Bangladesh: lessons learned and opportunities for scaling outMd. Arfan Uzzaman
13Assessing drought risks for transboundary drought management in the Meuse basinMarjolein Mens
14Drought resilience and impact monitoring on the Balkans under global change: current picture and possible solutionsMaria Kireeva
15Climate Change and Pastoralism in the Horn of AfricaJatani Bonaya Godana
16Drought in the Maghreb Region, 2001-2023Abeyou W Worqlul
17Strengthening drought management and resilience from regional science-policy dialogues in southern South AmericaJuan Rivera
18Assessing Drought in a Changing Climate: Addressing the Challenge and its Implications to Drought Resilience with the Global CommunityBritt Parker
19A pathways approach for adapting to systemic drought risksEdward Sparkes
20Implementing Drought Resilience through Strategic Sub-national Climate and Economic Action Planning in India: Challenges and SuccessesBhanu Khanna
21Drought monitoring and adaptation strategies in agriculture at local scaleAdane Irkiso
22Drought Management in South KoreaWoosung Nam
23Reverdissement du Sahel par le zaï motoriséJean-Edouard Buchter
24Shared strategic drought risk management in the transboundary Rhine River basinJudith ter Maat
25Do drought policies care about nature? Identifying policy-relevant gaps in considering freshwater ecosystemsCelia Ramos Sánchez
26Drought Monitoring and Forecast, Aridity Management and Afforestation Programs in Saudi ArabiaIbrahim Hotei
27Data Pipeline form raw data to Climate InformationNils Hempelmann
28Policy-relevant drought research at the Institute for Environmental Studies – VU Amsterdam – the NetherlandsAnne Van Loon
29From systemic drought risks to systemic resilience: a novel framework to guide research and policyMichael Hagenlocher
30The 2022 Drought needs to be a Turning Point for European Drought Risk ManagementRiccardo Biella


 Title of the posterContact Author
1SPEI, VCI, TCI: A Comparative Study for Drought Monitoring in MoroccoSaid El Goumi
2Text as data in drought risk managementJan Sodoge
3Drought monitoring and impacts assessment in Brazil: The CEMADEN experienceAna Paula Cunha
4Drought resilience in agriculture areasMuhammad Tousif Bhatti
5A Review of Groundwater Drought Assessment and Mitigation Practices in Arid and Semi-Arid LandsAbedulla Elsaidy
6Site-specific suitability of drought indices: a systematic reviewThao Trinh
7Exploring the impact of droughts in the transboundary region along Prut Valley (Romania/Republic of Moldova)Mihai Ciprian Margarint
9Near-real Time Global Daily Drought Detection and Monitoring Using an Ensemble of Gridded Remotely Sensed and in-situ Precipitation DatasetsOlivier Prat
10Drought Risk Assessment in SwedenClaudia Canedo Rosso
11The EOTEC DevNet Collaborative Approach to Integrated Drought Monitoring and ResponseMartyna Stelmaszczuk-Górska
12Footprints of Drought: Exploring its Environmental Impact through Open Access Big DataPaula Serrano Acebedo
13OUTLAST – a global drought monitoring and forecasting system to support sector-specific drought managementTina Trautmann
14Drought Dynamics in the Mediterranean GIAHS: Insights from the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, MoroccoBrahim Meskour
15A new drought monitoring and early-warning system for SwitzerlandFabia Hüsler
16Impact-data-based drought risk quantificationMarthe Wens
17Navigating Drought Challenges: A Resilience Framework for Bundelkhand, IndiaRuchir Patidar
18A Comprehensive Analysis of Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques in Studying Climate Hazards-Induced Crop Yield VariationSalomon obahoundje
19Pathways for Sustainable Intensification of Wheat Production in the Mediterranean Region Under Current and Future Climate Change ScenariosDavide Tita
20The European Drought Impact Database – Comprehensive Drought Impact Collection Methodology for EuropeMonika Bláhová
21Monitoring of drought in the Netherlands in an online portalRuud Bartholomeus
22Monitoring and assessing the characteristics of drought propagation in the Semi-arid River Basin of Peninsular IndiaAjay Gupta
23Drought in the Horn of Africa: impacts, adaptation and lessons learnedIleen Streefkerk
24Operational framework and tools for a proactive drought risk managementBrunella Bonaccorso
25Drought Monitoring Framework for Assessing Drought Impact and Damage at the Government Level in South KoreaWon-Ho Nam
26Towards operational drought impact-based forecasting in Europe: Trade-offs between indicators and impactsAnastasiya Shyrokaya
27Drought Risk Monitoring and Dynamics in Afar Region Rangeland, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Using Earth observation DataAderaw Tsegaye Anitene
28Enhancing drought resilience in conflict settings: lessons from the Syrian drought-migration-conflict nexusLina Eklund
29Impact chains of drought risks in Europe: tackling complexity to support science and policyDavide Cotti
30Development of the Australian Drougth monitorChrista Pudmenzky
31Building an operational drought frameworkMassimiliano Pasqui


 Title of the posterContact Author
1Many faces of droughts: How to manage different drought types, their impacts on ecosystem services and possible mitigation measuresEva Paton
2The Role of Connectivity in Driving Grassland-Shrubland Regime Shifts: Impact of Drought and Grazing on Dryland EcosystemsShubham Tiwar
3The European Drought Risk Atlas: Understanding Drought Risks for EcosystemsAnne-Sophie Sabino Siemons
4Time to consider the ecological ramifications of droughts in policies for attaining sustainabilityRahul Kashyap
5Investigating the Relevance of “Corridors” for Asian Elephant Conservation and Human-Elephant Conflict Mitigation: Case study from Sri LankAnjali Anilkumar
6The marula tree: An untapped potential for combating desertification and enhancing socio-ecological resilience in global drylandsAbubakari Munna
7Response of agricultural and natural vegetation areas to groundwater and snow drought in central ChileIongel Durán Llacer
8Beyond the hazard: local perceptions driving how we define, identify and monitor droughtsPedro Henrique Lima Alencar
9Multi-dimensional analysis of global drought awarenessJonghun Kam
10Open Data for Enhanced Water Accessibility by Women in Machakos County, KenyaNancy Marangu
11Citizen Science and Geographical Information Technologies for the assessment of compound hot-dry events – CITOSEQ Project, SpainNatalia Limones
12Advanced economic tools for strategic water resource management under droughtElisa Belfiore
13Promoting Climate Service and Anticipatory Action for Effective Drought ManagementAsif Uddin Bin Noor
14Future Drought FundRoger Stone
15Diagnosing drought for dealing with drought in 3D: Dimensions, Dynamics, and DialoguePieter van Oel
16A global historical and near-real time drought index from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)Zieze Markus
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