Side Events

Open Call for Side Event Proposals (Extended Deadline: 14 July 2024)

The Drought Resilience +10 Conference aims to scale up and accelerate drought action on the ground by “Integrating Knowledge & Practice for Drought Resilience”. It will bring together countries, experts and practitioners to review progress and lessons learnt in drought management, and to explore and define a joint way forward towards a more drought resilient world. The Drought Resilience +10 Conference is based on 9 Workstreams.

Who Can Apply?

Side events can be held by entities active in Integrated Drought Management including national governments, intergovernmental organizations, academia and research, non-governmental organisations, private sector and youth organisations. Group applications involving more than one entity are encouraged and will be prioritized.

  • Side events can be held in hybrid format or in-person
  • A side event session can take maximum 1 hour
  • No interpretation services are available onsite for side events
  • Non-registered participants will be able to engage online
Application Process
  • Applications for side events shall be submitted during the open call for proposals until 14 July 2024 (extended deadline)
  • Applications need to be submitted through the online form 
  • Applicants will be informed by the end of July 2024 if their submission was accepted
  • Applicants might be asked to merge sessions
Criteria for Selection
  • Relevance to overall theme “Integrating Knowledge and Practice for Drought”
  • Priority will be given to events organized with multiple partners
  • Interactive sessions are encouraged


  • All sessions must have at least 40% women participation
  • All sessions must have at least 1 speaker under the age of 35

Submission form

Please follow this link:

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