IDMP Regional Programmes
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IDMP Activity Map
Regional Activities
Regional activities: The IDMP has three regional programmes in Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE), in the Horn of Africa (IDMP HoA) and in West Africa (IDMP WAF). There are regional initiatives also going on in South Asia and Central America. Click on the dots on the map to find out more.
National Activities
There are a number of efforts at the national level supported by the IDMP. Click on the dots on the map to find out more.
There are a number of efforts at the national level supported by the IDMP. Click on the dots on the map to find out more.

Global Water Partnership
Stockholm, Sweden
The Global Water Partnership launched the IDMP jointly
with WMO in 2013 and supports the IDMP with technical capacity
through its Water and Climate Development Programme (WACDEP).
Bratislava, Slovakia
The regional programme of the IDMP in
Central and Eastern Europe (IDMP CEE) aims to
increase the capacity and ability to manage droughts
in the region by working in partnership with over
40 organizations building on the network of the
Country Water Partnerships.
Find out more
IDMP Technical Support Unit at WMO
Geneva, Switzerland
The IDMP Technical Support Unit is based at the
Climate and Water Department of the World
Meteorological Organization in Geneva.
If you would like to get involved, please contact us.
National Drought policy in Turkey
Ankara, Turkey
The IDMP supported the Turkish Government
in the International Drought Management Workshop
on 04-05 March 2014 to provide guidance towards
the development of a National Drought Policy in Turkey.
Windhoek, Namibia
The IDMP attended the eleventh session of the
Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to
Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP 11) convened
from 16-27 September 2013, in Windhoek, Namibia and
held a side event with the GWP Namibian Water
Partnership and the Executive Secretary of the UNCCD.
South Asian Drought Monitor
Colombo, Sri Lanka
The IDMP supports GWP South Asia and the International
Water Management Institute (IWMI) to develop a regional drought
monitor for Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
It involves the national authorities, the Country Water Partnership and
other interested partners.
Entebbe, Uganda
The regional programme of the IDMP in the Horn of Africa (IDMP HOA)
is currently being developed to increase the capacity and ability to
manage droughts in the region by working in partnership with IGAD
building on the network of the Country Water Partnerships.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
The regional programme of the IDMP in the West Africa (IDMP WAF)
is currently being developed to increase the capacity and ability
to manage droughts in the region by working in partnership with
key drought management institutions and stakeholders in the region
building on the network of the Country Water Partnerships.
Argentina / South America
Tucumán, Argentina
An Integrated Drought Management Programme in the Northwest of Argentina
as well as efforts on Drought Monitoring, Early Warning and Mitigation System
for South America are being developed
Integrated Drought Management initiatives in Central America
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Activities are currently developed by GWP Central
America with support from the IDMP on drought management.
Mexico’s National Program against Drought (PRONACOSE)
Mexico City, Mexico
The IDMP supports the Mexican Government’s National Program
against Drought (PRONACOSE) slated to run for the next 6 years
in Mexico’s 26 basin councils. The IDMP is providing technical
advice, capacity building, project management and
links to international expertise and platforms.