Science Day at COP15:
Land Degradation and Drought – from Science to Action
The day featured a variety of sessions on land restoration in the morning and drought preparedness in the afternoon. Three sessions in the afternoon explored drought risk, assessment of drought resilience, and a closer look at Nature-based Solutions for drought. The IDMP TSU, as part of the UNCCD Science and Policy Interface, was actively involved in planning the sessions.
The Science Day was hosted by the Rio Conventions Pavilion. The agenda and full recording of the day are available here: http://www.riopavilion.org/unccd-cop15-science-day/
Please click on the following link for an overview of Science Day: https://enb.iisd.org/rio-conventions-pavilion-unccd-cop15/14-may-2022

Drought Day at COP-15: Moving from Commitments to Action
The Drought Day discussed how to transform political commitments to action on drought resilience. Effective policies and projects on the ground from all regions around the world were showcased. The IDMP was present during the entire day and presented regional work in the session on Early Warning and Action Systems. In the session Towards a High-level Meeting on Drought 2023 (HMNDP 2013 +10), which was co-organized by the IDMP, major achievements of the IDMP and close IDMP partners UNCCD, NDMC, IWMI and FAO were presented with the aim to collect feedback on the organization of HMNDP+10.
The Drought Day was hosted by the Rio Conventions Pavilion. The agenda and full recording of the day are available here: http://www.riopavilion.org/unccd-cop15-drought-day/
Please click on the following link for an overview of Drought Day: https://enb.iisd.org/rio-conventions-pavilion-unccd-cop15/11-may-2022
The IDMP was included in several decisions of the UNCCD COP-15, with regard to further supporting UNCCD parties with their efforts on development and implementation of proactive drought risk management strategies. The IDMP was invited to support UNCCD country parties to enhance their capacities with regard to drought resilience assessments and their integration into early warning systems and resilience planning.
To find out more about all actions taken by UNCCD-COP15 parties, please click the following link.