The IDMP will be present at the Stockholm World Water Week 2022!
Here are our sessions:
25 August: Closing the Last Mile: People-centric Flood & Drought Early-Warning-Systems
28 August:
1) Water and Climate: act, learn, scale up
2) Enabling Nature-based Solutions in drought contexts: Towards increasing evidence
31 August: Co-implementing Integrated Drought Management: the next decade
Find out more about each of theses sessions below!
Closing the Last Mile: People-centric Flood & Drought Early-Warning-Systems
Content:“Early warnings and action save lives,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in 2022 and announced that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) would “spearhead new action to ensure every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years.” The joint WMO and Global Water Partnership (GWP) programs on flood (APFM)and drought (IDMP) management are part of the new action on Early Warning Systems (EWS) with a specific focus on making sure that the technical systems are integrated into a overall disaster policy of country and regions as well as that warnings actually turn into action when flood and droughts are happening.
Date and time: Thursday 25 August, 10:00-11:20 (CEST)
Online session

Water and Climate: act, learn, scale up
of managing water and climate extremes at different levels, and in a
participatory way will dissect those to reach three main objectives: reflect on the ingredients of success, identify the main challenges and provide guidance, and determine the potential for scalability.
Date and time: Sunday, 28 August, 9h00-10h30 CEST
On-site session Room: 300 (Folkets Hus)
Link to session on WWW webpage
Enabling Nature-based Solutions in drought contexts: Towards increasing evidence
Organizers: Deltares, IUCN, IDMP
Content: This session is an urgent call for action to better advocate the potential of NbS for droughts and get them ready for upscaled implementation. It will discuss the enabling conditions for creating, implementing and upscaling NbS for drought impact mitigation.
Date and time: Sunday 28 August, 11:00-12:30 (CEST)
On-site session Room: 307 (Folkets Hus)
Link to session on WWW webpage
Co-implementing Integrated Drought Management: the next decade
Date and time: Wednesday 31 August, 11h00-12h30 CEST
On-site session Room: 307 (Folkets Hus)
Link to session on WWW webpage