Risk & Impact Assessment

Risk and Impact Assessment

The goal of Risk and Impact Assessment (Pillar 2) is to determine the primary historical, current and, likely, future impacts associated with drought (impact assessment) and to assess the drought risk composed of hazard, exposure and vulnerability (including timescales of climate variability and change). A key to understanding risk is to explore the root cause of drought impacts, i.e, the vulnerability assessment.  Drought impact and risk assessment is directed at gaining an understanding of both the natural and human processes associated with drought and the impacts that occur.  An outcome of Pillar 2 is the creation of a risk profile for each sector, region, population group or community, i.e., hazard, exposure, and vulnerability mapping.

An archive of drought impacts that have occurred historically does not exist for the vast majority of countries.  However, an assessment of historical drought impacts is valuable information that supports the goals of Pillar 2.  Anecdotal information on recent and historical droughts may be available from local authorities and indigenous populations.  It is likely that more recent drought impacts are documented more thoroughly. The IDMP, together with its partners, is currently working on improving global guidance with regards to impact reporting and assessment.

For more information about IDM Pillar 2 you can consult Drought Impact and Vulnerability Assessment: A rapid review of practices and policy recommendations


Examples of tools and databases

Deltares, GFDRR, UCSB, NDMC, VU, IHE DelftCatalogue of Drought Hazard and Risk Tools
UNCCDUNCCD Drought Toolbox - Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tools
Global Drought Observatory (GDO)Drought Reports and Database of Drought Events
National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC)Drought Impact Reporter
European Drought Center (EDC)Drought Impact Database
Drought WatchDrought Impact Monitor
UNISDRDesInventar (Disaster Information Management System)
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)EM DAT
UN-SPIDERUN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal - Data Sources
GEF, UN Environment, IWA, DHIFlood and Drought Portal

Examples of reports

IWMI, USAID2022MENAdrought Synthesis of Drought Vulnerability in Jordan: Final Report
IWMI, USAID2022MENAdrought Synthesis of Drought Vulnerability in Lebanon: Final Report
WFP and Ministry of Disaster Management of Sri Lanka2017Sri Lanka Joint Assessment of Drought Impact on Food Security and Livelihoods
Federal Government of Somalia with support by the World Bank, United Nations and European Union2018Somalia drought impact and needs assessment (Vol. 1): Synthesis report; (Vol. 2): Sector reports; (Vol. 3): Federal member state and administrative region reports
Multi-Agency Drought Assessment Team (MDAT) - Disaster Management Authority (DMA) of Lesotho2016Rapid Drought Impact Assessment Report
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) of Timor-Leste2016Rapid Drought Impact Assessment - El Niño 2015/2016
FAO, EC, Food Economy Group, Pakistan Food Security Cluster2016Household Economy Analysis - Drought Impact Assessment 2015: Jamshoro, Umerkot & Tharparkar Districts of Sindh Province
OXFAM2016Report on Drought Impact Assessment of the Schouten Islands, East Sepik Province, PNG 15–19 Feb 2016
Government of the Republic of Malawi, European Union, United Nations, World Bank2016Malawi drought 2015-2016 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)
Government of the Republic of Kenya, European Union, United Nations, World Bank2011Kenya Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) 2008-2011 Drought
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